FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the delivery time?
Our standard delivery times are 1-3 days within Sweden and 7-14 days for the rest of the world. Longer delivery times may apply to other countries. This will be stated on the respective product page.

Where is my package?
When your order is packed and ready for shipping, you will receive an email or SMS notification. The message will contain a tracking number that you can use to follow your package on postnord.se.
If you cannot find the email, please check your spam folder.

If you have not received a shipping confirmation or your order within 5 days, please contact us to resolve any issues as soon as possible.

Can I return my order?
Yes, for online purchases you have a right of return within 14 days. Read more about returns here.

Where is the store located?
Selina Sisters is an online store based in Sweden. You can easily shop online through our website.

Contact: customer service .selinasisters @gmail .com